Utkarsh Nasha Mukti Kendra

Find support With outpatient rehab

This program has been designed in a way that supports patients so that they can reintegrate into society by following the Inpatient Rehabilitation Program. Outpatient relapse is a golden key to promote long-term sobriety and prevent sudden relapse. Visiting the program without breaking the chain is a hard nut to crack but it prevents patients from making an entry into the harmful behaviours that were responsible for underpinning their addictions.
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The program is a comprehensive model of care that is practiced in other stages of treatment, addressing the physical, emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual impacts of addiction.
These two are important elements of the program:

Transitional Housing

Under this, the patients are offered a safe, secure, and supported space to reside as if they have reentered society, freedom from addiction.

Intensive Outpatients

Here, patients can visit the previous programs and therapies, which also include peer support and individual counseling.

Highlights of the program

This program bears a difference from other programs due to the following features:

Transitional housing

Intensive outpatient programs

Aftercare and relapse prevention

Psychosocial educational groups

Send an enquiry to The Utkarsh Nasha Mukti Kendra Rehab

    R-14/49, Sector-14, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad (U.P.)

    Email : Info@mail.com

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